Auto-deploy Browser Extension configuration



You would like to configure the browser extension at a central location for all users, including server mode, database profiles and a few other settings.


Password Secure Server & Browser extension min. version 9.1

Extension IDs - You will need the ID of the extension in all configurations. When the extension is installed via the stores (Chrome Web Store, Edge/Add-ons, Firefox Add-ons), you can find the ID in the following table. If it was installed in any other way, the ID may differ - in this case, you can find it on your browsers' add-on management page (e.g. chrome://extensions).


  Browser Extension ID
1 Google Chrome
2 Microsoft Edge

3 Mozilla Firefox


Required properties for profiles - The following list contains all profile properties that can be deployed automatically.


  Value name Mandatory? Value data
1 ID Yes
Unique(!) ID of the profile. Use a GUID (generate with for example
When using the same GUID for multiple profiles, the last one will overwrite all previous!
2 database Yes
Name of the database the connection should be established for.
3 color No
Color of the profile in Hex format (e.g. #0068da). Used in the list of passwords, see the screenshot below.
4 name Yes
Name of the profile that is displayed at the databases' menu when multiple profiles are existing. If only one profile exists, the name is not displayed.
5 webAppAddress Yes
Address of your web app. Will be used when opening a password via the browser extension.
6 endpoint Yes
Endpoint for the whole communication with the server.




Google Chrome


  1. Open the registry and go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\3rdparty\extensions\<extension-id>\policy - if this path is not existing, create it
    1. Replace <extension-id> with the ID of your extension
  2. Create a key called managedSettings, containing a key profiles
  3. Inside this created key, you have to create sub-keys (counting upwards - first profile is key "1", second profile is key "2", and so on …).
  4. Define each property from the properties table above as REG_SZ and configure the correct value

For example, you can use the following .reg file to create two example profiles. Just save it to your computer and double-click it. Don't forget to change the extension ID if yours is something different.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









; From here, profiles are starting
"name"="Profile #1"

"name"="Profile #2"

; Define other settings


Microsoft Edge


  1. Open the registry and go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\3rdparty\extensions\<extension-id>\policy - if this path is not existing, create it
    1. Replace <extension-id> with the ID of your extension
  2. Create a key called managedSettings, containing a key profiles
  3. Inside this created key, you have to create sub-keys (counting upwards - first profile is key "1", second profile is key "2", and so on …).
  4. Define each property from the properties table above as REG_SZ and configure the correct value

For example, you can use the following .reg file to create two example profiles. Just save it to your computer and double-click it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00









; From here, profiles are starting
"name"="Profile #1"

"name"="Profile #2"

; Define other settings


Mozilla Firefox


  1. Create a file passwordsecure.json at an accessible location (e.g. at C:\BrowserExtensionConfig\)
  2. Put the following content to the created file (don't forget to exchange the extension ID if yours is something different)
  3. {
        "name": "{3bdedc7b-4521-44e0-bffe-519f60814d95}",
        "description": "Configuration file for the Netwrix Password Secure Firefox browser extension",
        "type": "storage",
        "data": {
            "managedSettings": {
                "profiles": [
                        "id": "c62d0f1b-85e1-4661-b2f2-cdf84de471ca",
                        "color": "#ff85ff",
                        "name": "Profile #1",
                        "webAppAddress": "",
                        "endpoint": "",
                        "database": "Profile1_DbName"
                        "id": "6e68336a-ea85-4a86-8a84-346e84e0bc1a",
                        "color": "#1b549b",
                        "name": "Profile #2",
                        "webAppAddress": "",
                        "endpoint": "",
                        "database": "Profile2_DbName"
                "options": {
                    "allowCrossClientAuth": true          
  4. Open the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\ManagedStorage\<extension-id> - if the path is not existing, create it
    1. Replace <extension-id> with the ID of your extension
  5. Give the keys (Default) property the path to the created file as value
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